The Public Affairs Section of Embassy Jakarta is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2025 Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Global Student Leaders, scheduled to take place in summer 2025. The application is open for candidates from 30 cities in Indonesia (see below).
SUSI for Global Student Leaders are intensive short-term academic programs whose purpose is to provide groups of undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The Institutes consist of a four-week academic residency with a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations and lectures, site visits, leadership development, cultural activities, and community service complement coursework and academic sessions. The program will take place on June 24 – July 26, 2025.
List of themes for 2025 SUSI for Global Student Leaders
- Climate Change and the Environment – hosted by the Northern Nevada International Center at the University of Nevada, Reno
- Religious Diversity and Democracy – hosted by the Dialogue Institute at Temple University, Philadelphia
The U.S. Department of State will cover all participant costs, including international and visa travel costs and travel allowances; domestic travel and ground transportation; materials and incidental allowances; and accommodation.
Candidates must:
- have strong English skills
- be between 18 and 25 years of age
- have at least one semester left of their undergraduate studies, and be committed to returning to their home universities following completion of the program
- be a student at a universityin the following cities:
Takengon, Meulaboh, Bukittinggi, Padang Panjang, Bengkulu, Tanjung Pinang, Pekanbaru, Pangkal Pinang, Tarakan, Tanjung Selor, Malinau, Balikpapan, Singkawang, Serang, Salatiga, Wonogiri, Jember, Kupang, Kendari, Manado, Mamuju, Gorontalo, Ambon, Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Biak, Nabire, Jayapura, Merauke
- demonstrate interest in either or both themes
- demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university and community activities
- have a sustained high level of academic achievement, as indicated by grades, awards, and teacher recommendation
- demonstrate commitment to community service and extracurricular university activities.
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